➥ Welcome to University Library
✎ The University Library is the depository of the knowledge available to the University public. It is also the single most potent instrument by which the University discharges its teaching and research functions as set forth in its Charter..
Summary Procedure for Disciplinary Action by the Librarian
The College Librarian may proceed summarily against any person in cases where the misconduct is committed in his or her presence within the library premises
The respondent shall be summoned to appear before the Librarian, informed of the charges against him, and afforded the opportunity to be heard.
The decision made under his procedure shall be in writing stating the grounds for which disciplinary penalty is imposed. Such decision shall be final and executory upon the issuance of the order. The penalty imposed shall not exceed suspension of library privileges for one week.
Regular Procedure for Disciplinary Action by the Librarian
1. A report shall be filed by a staff member or a complaint shall be made by an aggrieved person with the Librarian;
2. The librarian shall investigate the report of the complaint and if found sufficient, formal written charges are drawn up and served on respondent.
3. The respondent shall be required to answer in writing three (3) days from the receipt of the charge;
4. No hearing shall be necessary when the respondent pleads guilty to the charge. Otherwise, a committee shall be created by the Librarian concerned to conduct a formal investigation;
5. In the formal investigation the report or complaint shall be under oath and together with supporting affidavits or other evidence shall constitute the evidence in chief for the complainant, subject to cross examination by the respondent. The answer of the respondent shall be under oath and together with supporting affidavits and other evidence shall constitute his evidence in chief subject to cross examination.
6. Committee shall transmit to the Librarian within fifteen (15) days from the termination of the hearing the complete record of the case with its report and recommendation stating the facts and specific regulation on which it is based.
7. The Librarian within ten (10) days of the report shall render a decision which shall be final.
Formal Complaints for Breaches of Discipline
In addition to the disciplinary action provided above, the Librarian may file formal complaints for breaches of discipline with appropriate authorities.