Policy on the Use of the Library Educational Media and Information Technology Office (LEMITO)
I. General Policy
1. The LEMITO is the section of the library which provides information and reference services utilizing non-print and non-book materials, and non-periodica, e.g. Audio-visuals, diskettes, optical disks, computer files, cd-roms, slides, etc.
2. It is intended solely for research purposes.
3. It develops collections that are audio-visual, and maintains computerized disk files of programs(cd based multimedia applications) and databases.
4. It supports the instruction research and extension program of the University.
5. It assists students,faculty, staff, and other researchers to supplement information needed on researches conducted.
6. It assists the University to enhance classroom instructions and teaching-learning outcomes.
7. It caters to the needs of the administration, faculty and students whenever files are available.
8. It adheres to the implementing guidelines of the University Library Organic Act.
9. It adheres to the principles of academic freedom.
II. Resources
The resources of the LEMITO shall include equipment and all types of non-print materials obtained by the library through purchase, gifts, exchange, and donations.
III. Rules and Regulations
A. Reservations
1. Reservations must be made personally by students, faculty and staff.
2. Faculty members who have reservations at the LEMITO but could not be with their class (because of important matters) during their scheduled reservation should inform LEMITO personnel so that proper actions may be observed.
3.CANCELLATION of reservation at the EMC should be made at least a day before the scheduled use so that others may be able to utilize the facility.
B. Previewing
1. If necessary, faculty members who bring their classes to the LEMITO for listening and viewing purposes should preview the material(s) first before booking.
2. Previewing must be done at the LEMITO.
C. Viewing and Listening Sessions
1. Faculty members should be with their students when using LEMITO resources. They should also see to it that their students do not tinker with equipment and other materials in the office.
D. Prohibitions
1. SILENCE must be observed at all time.
2. Eating and drinking inside the LEMITO is strictly prohibited.
3. Operating electronic gadgets is likewise prohibited.
On IT use
1. Only one person is allowed to sit before each work station.
2. Chatting and e-mails are not allowed. Internet use is exclusive for research purposes only.
3. Due to limited stations, I.T. materials may be used only for one hour, unless no prior reservation by other users have been made.
4. Computer equipment may only be used in conjunction with materials on electronic medium that are held by LEMITO.
E. Sanctions
1. Appropriate sanctions will be imposed on those violating these policies as provided for in the University Library Organic and Implementing Guidelines,as amended.
The following are the corresponding payments for specific usage of equipment at the LEMITO (UP Library Council, 6 Nov 2000)
G. Other Miscellaneous Information
1. All must adhere to the first come first served policy.
2. Booking means using the LEMITO resources.
3. All materials are for room use only.
4. The rule on "a fraction of an hour is equivalent to one hour", "Applies to viewing/listening purposes as well as charges incurred on materials requested for special considerations by faculty and administrators."
5. Walk in requests shall be entertained only if the time requested is available.
6. LEMITO is not a classroom, therefore, no classes/discussions are allowed.
7. The Official time schedule of LEMITO from Monday to Friday :
8:00 am - 12:00 noon
1:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Four-Day Work (Tuesday to Friday)
IV. Disciplinary Actions
1. Violations of the use of the special collection and materials of the LEMITO shall mean suspension of privileges not exceeding one month.
2. Any person who shall be caught mutilating or stealing LEMITO properties shall replace it or pay its current replacement value and pay not less than three hundred pesos (P300.00) but not more than fifty percent (50%) of the current cost of the material whichever is higher. This is without prejudice to the imposition, in appropriate case of an additional penalty of suspension or expulsion to be imposed after due process, by the Chancellor upon recommendation of the University Librarian through the Dean.
3. Any person who falsifies and use the identification card other than his own shall, after due process, be suspended from the University for not more than one semester.
V. Procedure for LEMITO Use
1. Present ID and check with the LEMITO if the materials and facility you wish to use is accessible.
2. Make reservations with the person in-charge.
3. Fill up the forms.
4. Pay the necessary fes at the person in-charge.