For the U.P. students, the following procedures will be observed:

a. Identification Card

(1) The ID of a student is issued by the Registrar.

(2) The duly authorized staff of the student's college library countersigned his ID upon presentation of his FORM 5 provided he has no outstanding account with the U.P. Library.

(3) The ID of a cross-registrant from within or outside of the University and that of a special student and/or non-degree student is countersigned by the duly authorized staff of his college library (e.g. he was advised in that college or his FORM 5 is assigned by the secretary of his college). If, however he was advised by the Registrar his ID is countersigned by the Main Library of the Constituent University where he is enrolled, provided, he has paid his library fee and has no outstanding account with the U.P. Library.

(4) A student who has no ID (e.g., new student or one who has lost his ID) may be issued a temporary ID by his college library or, in the case of a cross-registrant, a special student, or a non degree student, by his college library upon presentation of his Form 5 and receipt from the Registrar that he has paid for his ID and which should include a "1X1" ID size picture, provided that he had paid his library fee and has no outstanding account with the U.P. Library. If, however, he was advised by the Registrar, his termprary ID card is issued by the Main Library.

b. Borrower's Card

(1) A student may be issued a barrower's card upon presentation of a duly countersigned ID or termporary ID by the authorized staff of his college library.

(2)A student who lost his barrower's card may be issued a new one after two weeks from the date the loss is reported and upon payment of a replacement cost of P1.00

(3)A student who is enrolled for residence is not issued a barrower's card unless he opted to pay his library fees.

c. Borrowing Privilege

(1) A student who has a countersigned ID and a borrower's card may barrow circulation bookds from the U.P. Mindnao Library subject to its rules and regulations.

(2) A student who has a countersigned ID may use one material provided he is enrolled in the course(s) wherein said material is a required reading. He may take it after the appointed hour.

(3) An undergraduate student may have on load only 4 circulation books at a time while a post graduate student may have 3 circulation boodks at a time. If, however, he has an overdue loan(s) he may not be allowed to borrow another item untel he returns the book(s) and pays the fin(s) even if his total charges are less than the maximum (2 or 3) allowed.

(4) A student may not borrow for off-premises reading the following materials: general reference books, theses, periodicals, dissertations, and special materials.


1. Circulation Book

a. Failure to return. A fine of Php2.00 per day is charged after its due date or recall exclusive of Sundays and Holidays.

b. Loss. Any person who loses or fails to return a book within seven (7) days after due date or recall shall either replace it with the current edition of the same title, or, replace it with thirty (30) days by another title to be selected by the librarian. In all cases, the person shall pay a fine equivalent to 50% of the current market cost of the book, plus a processing fee of thirty pesos (Php 30.00 and handling fee of twenty pesos (Php 20.00).

c. Recall. Any book on loan may be recalled if there is an urgent need for it by an official of the University; a request for rit to be placed on reserve has been received by the library; the book is overdue; or the library will conduct its mandate annual inventory.

2. Reserve books.

a. Failure to return. A fine of (P 1.00) is charged for failure to return a reserve book on the first hour or a fraction thereof after the hour appointed for return, five pesos(P 5.00) each hour after the first, and Fifty pesos (P 50.00) for a full day, including Sundays and Holidays. On a second offense the person's privilege to use the reserve collection will be suspended for the rest of the semester/summer. b. Loss. In case of loss, the reserve book is treated as a circulation book. c. Withdrawal without reservation permits. A fine of (50.00) will be charged to any person who draws out a reserve books for overnight use without an approved reservation. On the second offense, this person's privilege to borrow from the reserve collection will be suspended for two weeks.

3. Failure to return a general reference book and other restricted materials borrowed for photocopying purposes. a. Failure to return. A fine of (50.00) will be charged to any person who draws out a reserve books for overnight use without an approved reservation. On the second offense, this person's privilege to borrow from the reserve collection will be suspended for two weeks.

2. For personnel, the following procedures will be observed:

a. Identification Card

The ID of a U.P. employee (faculty, REPS, staff) is issued by the Registrar. It is countersigned by duly authorized staff of the HRDO upon presentatoin of his appointement papers.

b. Borrower's Card

(1) The ID of a U.P. employee may be issued a barrower's card (yellow for faculty and REPS, orange for staff) upon presentation of a countersigned ID subject to the library rules and regulations.

2) In cases when the employee is newly appointed or has lost hi ID, he may be issued a temporary ID by his College Library or by the Main Library (for those without college libraries) upon presentation of his appointment papers and a receipt that he has paid for his ID. Provided, that he has no outstanding accounts with the library.

c. Borrowing Privileges

(1) Any faculty/REPS/staff who has an ID and a borrower's card may borrow circulation books subject to the library's rules and regulation

(2) Administrative staff may borrow 2 circulation books at a time for 2 weeks; REPS may borrow 3 circulation books at a time for 2 weeks while the faculty may borrow 5 circulation books at a time for a month. If, however, a borrrower has am overdue book(s) he may not borrow or renew a loan until the overdue book(s) he may not borrow or renew a loan until the overdue book(s) is returned and the fine is paid.

(3) General reference books, theses, dissertations, periodicals and special collections are for room use only, except in the following cases:

Faculty members/lectures may authorize their students to borrow reference book for classroom use. These must be returned immediately after class.

B. For the use of the libraries by non-members.

1. For Alumni, former faculty members, and students honorably discharge from the Univrsity the following procedure shall be observed:

a. Free use. Alumni, former faculty members, and students honorably discharged from the University may be allowed to use the library for five (5) days free of charge within a semester, ar issued special permits by the duly authorized staff of the college/unit library they would like to use. Beyond the five days, they will be asked to pay library fees.

b. Fees. Beyond five days, the following fees are charged.

Php 1,200.00 per semester for a new transferred graduate and lateral students

Php 800.00 per semester for a new transferred undergraduate students

Php 10.00 per day

Php 450.00 per year

Beyond payment of the fees, they are issued special permits by the duly authorized staff of the college/unit library they would like to use.

c. Letter of Introduction and ID. The above users must present identification cards and letters of introduction from Univeristy personnel or a U.P Alumni Association ID when applying for a permit to use the library.

2. For graduate students and researchers the following procedure are observed:

a. Graduate students must present a letter from their librarian requesting privilage to use the U.P. libraries, and their school/university ID.

b. Researcher must present a letter of request to use the U.P. libraries from their offices, and their office ID's

c. Government agency researches must present a letter from the head of their agency requesting privilege to use the library, and their office ID. They may be allowed to use the library free of charge up to five (5) days per semester. Beyond five (5) days, they will be assessed library fees.

d. Fees. Graduate students and researcher are assessed as follows:

Php 20.00 per day
Php 450.00 per semester
Php 350.00 per summer

e. Library permits. In all cases, the authorized Library staff should issue a special library permit.

3. Use of Microform and Computer Equiptment

a. Fees for equiptment. A free of Php20.00/ hour or a fraction thereof will be assessed.

b. Fees for printout. A free Php2.00/ sheet of printout will be assessed.

c. Use of computer equiptment. Computer equiptment may only be used in conjuction with materials on electronic medium that are held by the Library.

C. Fines and other penalties observed for violations of library and regulations by member of the University.

1. Circulation Book

a. Failure to return. A fine of Php2.00 per day is charged after its due date or recall exclusive of Sundays and Holidays.

b. Loss. Any person who loses or fails to return a book within seven (7) days after due date or recall shall either replace it with the current edition of the same title, or, replace it within thirty (30) days by another title to be selected by the librarian. In all cases, the person shall pay a fine equivalent to 50% of the current market cost of the book, plus a processing fee of thirty pesos (Php 30.00) and handling fee of twenty pesos (Php 20.00).

c. Recall. Any book on loan may be recalled if there is an urgent need for it by an officail of the University; a request fo rit to be placed on reserve has been received by the library; the book is overdue; or the library will conduct its mandate annual inventory.

2. Reserve Book

a. Failure to return. A fine of one peso (Php 1.00) is charged for failure to return a reserve book on the first hour or a fraction thereof after the hour appointed for return, fifty pesos (Php 50.00) for a full daym including Sundays and Holidays. On a second offense the person's privilege to use the reserve collection will be suspended for the rest of the semester/summer.

b. Loss. In case of loss, the reserve book is treated as a circulation book.

c. Withdrawal without reservation permits. A fine of (Php 50.00) will be charged to any person who draws out a reserve book for overnight use without an approved reservation. On a second offense, this person', privilege to borrow from the reserve collection will be suspended for two weeks.

d. Leave your validated ID in every transaction at the counter section.

3. Failure to return a general reference book and other restricted materials borrowed for photocopying purposes.

a. Failure to return. A fine of (Php 50.00) will be charged to any person who fails to return on the appointed hour a general reference book or other restricted materials borrowed for photocopying purposes. On a second offence, the perso's priviledge to use the library will be suspended for a second week.

b. Loss. In case of loss, the borrowed material shall be treated as a circulation book. If, however, the borrowed material for photocopying purposes belongs to a multi-volume set, the borrower shall replace it with exactly the same title and edition and pay the corresponding penalties accrued thereto as provided for in IV.C.1.b. If the borrowers opts to replace the whole set, it shall be the current edition of the lost multi-volume title. The corresponding penalties will then be waived entirely.

4. Mutilating or stealing library properties.

Any person who is caught defacing, mutilating appropriating for himself or attempting to steal any library material or property shall after due processes replace the material or pay its current replacement value. In addition, he shall pay a fine of not less than three hundred pesos (Php 300.00) but not more than 50% of the cost of the book whichever is higher. In appropriate cases, an additional penalty of suspension or explusion may be imposed by the Chancellor after due process and upon the recommendation of the Librarian through the Dean.

5. Falsification and use of someone else's identification card or borrower's card.

Any person who falsifies or uses an identification card or borrower's card other than his own shall after due process have his library privilege suspended for not more than a semester

6. Disorderly and distructive behavior.

Any person engaged in disorderly conduct or in disruptive behavior or in improper behavior shall be excluded by the librarian from the library premises and be subject to suspension of library privileges for not more than two weeeks. (See Procedure for Disciplinary Action)

a. Disorderly conduct includes drunken behavior, creating disorder, tumult, breach of peace or serious disturbance, gross and deliberate discourtersy, and possession of prohibited drugs.

b. Disruptive behavior includes excessive noise, loud discussions, and scandalous acts (such as exhibitionist acts, necking, etc.)

c. Improper behavior includes smoking, eating and playing cards within the library premises.

7. Refusal or failure to settle library accounts.

Any person who after due notice shall refuse or fail without just cause to settle library accounts or obligations:

a. Shall not be allowed to register

b. Shall not be permitted to use the Univeristy Libraries

c. Shall not be issued a library clearance.

V. Saving Clause. Cases not covered by the above shall be referred to the Univeristy Librarian for appropriate resolution.

D. Library Service Hours

1. Generally, the library is open on the following schedule, except those as specified:

a. Undergraduate libraries of all colleges

Monday to Friday - 8:00AM - 6:00PM
"No noon break"

b. Graduate Library (School of Management)

Monday to Wednesday - 9:00AM to 12:00PM
1:00PM to 5:00PM

Friday to Saturday - 9:00AM to 6:00PM
"No noon break"

2. Service Counters

a. Library service counter are open on the following schedule:

Monday to Friday - 8:00AM to 12:00 noon
1:00PM to 4:30PM

E. Control Section

Vital to the attainment of the educational goals and objectives of the U.P. in Mindanao is the safekeeping of all library materials which are the repository of knowledge to be shared to succeeding generations. The Control Section of the Library is created to safeguard the property of the University bought out of the taes paid for by the Filipino people. It is, therefore, incumbent upon all library users to obey all rules and regualtions implemented by the Library organization. Library personnel manning the entrance and exit points of the library should be treated with utmost respect and dignity in the performance of their duties and responsibilities. Ignoring their presence at the Control Section would subject violators to appropriate library rules and regulations as determined by the College Librarian and the other officers of the Univerity

Following are the applicable rules and regulations at the Control Section:

1. Entrance. Upon entering the library, all users are required to present their proper identification cards to the Control Officer manning the section. Refusal to present one's identification papers means non admittance to the library.

2. Exit. All belongings i.e. bags, books, etc. brought out of the Library must be presented to the Control Officer for processing. The Conrol Officer reserves the right to confiscate materials not properly charged out without prejudice to the filing of criminal and administrative charges as determined by the proper University authorities.

3. Electronic devices (laptops, notebooks, cellphones, PDA, etc.) are disallowed in the library

4. Whenever a courtersy counter or depository exists in a unit of college library, the following policies shall apply:

a. Personal belongings must be deposited personally by the owner. No proxy shall be entertained when one deposites or claims his or her things.

b. A claim tag shall be given to the depositor. The same official tag shall be be presented at the claim counter.

c. Upon leaving the library the library, things deposited should right away be claimed. The Library does not honor depositing personal belongings beyond the prescribed normal working hours.

d. Cash, jewelry and other personal and valuable effects shall be the sole responsibility of the owner. The Library and its personal shall not be held liable whatsoever for any loss of valuables and personal effects deposited at the couter.

e. Unclaimed personal belongings after closing time, shall be claimed:

1. by presenting the claim tag

2. from the librarian in-charge

3. upon presentation of a notarized affidavit that it is the claimant's personal belongings

4. upon signing a waiver absolving the library and its staff of any responsibility after it shall have been claimed

5. at least within the week after such personal belongings have been deposited with the counter. Another week shall be extended as a grace period. After a lapse of fourteen (14) days, including non-working days, unclaimed personal belongings shall go to the Ugnayan ng Pahinungod for its various actitivities and other charitable purposes.