Posted by :SOM Library March, 2016 Updated and Revised

➥UP Mindanao Constituents

a. The duly countersigned UP identification card must be presented to the control officer upon entering the Library

b. Personal belongings must be deposited personally by the owner in the depository counter found in the control section..

➥ Non-UP Mindanao Constituents

a. Letter of introduction from university/company/organization he/she belongs.

b. Valid Identification Card

c. Library fee

➥ Non-UP Mindanao Constituents

a. The borrower's card must be presented along with the UP identification card to borrow library materials.

b. Allowable number of books to be loaned out of the UP Mindanao constituents:
Bonafide Members Borrowing Priveleges Duration Period
Graduate 10 Circulation books
Two weeks
Reservation book
Undergraduate 5 Circulation books
Two weeks
2 Reserve books
Faculty 10 Books
One month
2 Reserve books
REPS 10 Books
Two weeks
2 Reserve books
Administrative staff 5 Books
Two weeks
2 Reserve books

c. Off-premise reading is not allowed for general reference books, theses, periodicals and special materials unless authorized by the professor for classroom use.

Today, the School of Management Library provides excellent and relevant information and knowledge resources. It shares these electronically so that the local, national and global community may gain access to these information and knowledge resources.

d. Reserve books may be checked out upon presenting valid identification card and borrower's card.

e. Books on check out may be recalled if there is an urgent need for it.

➥ Fines

a. Php 2.00 per day after its due date exclusive of Sundays and

➥ Holidays

b. Php 1.00 for the first hour, P5.00 for every hour after the first P50.00 for a full day inclusive of Sundays and Holidays for reserve books


Reserve materials maybe books, articles or reading materials which are used by faculty/lecturers and teaching staff in specific courses. These are placed inside the charging counter to regulate its circulation. Only one reserve material maybe borrowed. Though the books are limited to a specific period, students may check out Reserve materials starting at 4:00PM up to 6:30PM and should be returned the next working at 9:00AM.

UP Mindanao constituents are requested to leave their borrower's and identification cards while non-UP constituent their identification card.

Faculty and teaching staff may contact the college librarian if they wish to place a material on "Reserve".


Users seeking query or information may approach the counter personnel for assistance in locating information. If personal appearance is impossible, researchers may call the library to inquire about the availability of the needed library material or seek referral to other libraries as to where the necessary information can be obtained. The on-line public access catalog (OPAC) may also help researchers in finding library materials. Aside from this, a list of available theses, CD-ROM's and electronic resources is provided at the circulation counter for assistance. Current acquisitions lists are on the webpage and useful websites are uploaded for reference. Before the academic year starts, the Library conducts orientation for freshmen students. Library orientation for undergraduates is held at the main campus while graduate students at the downtown campus.


Faculty, staff, and students may request the transfer of a particular title to any of the three college and the main libraries unless the title is on "reserve" or has multiple copies. Transfer may be permitted upon writing a letter of request to the University Librarian through the college or unit librarian.